The police said, "After three months when we did not get any clue of the case we printed posters of the dead body and the things we receovered around it and distributed it in all over Mumbai. He spent a long time in a temple, telling the priest there he was waiting for Sunita, so that the priest would later tell the police he had been waiting for Sunita. Sunita, was living with her husband and has three children, who are all married. Mhatre confessed to his crime on January 10. The postmortem revealed the woman had sustained head injury as well as fractures in her jaws. Police said, "Mhatre did not like Sunita’s decision and they had an argument.A 42-year-old man who allegedly killed his girlfriend and disposed off her body after being inspired Bollywood flick Drishyam has confessed to his crime, the police said. They then fell in love with each other," they added." After he returned to Mumbai, he took the drum to a place near Mahape and buried her body.However, the police nabbed him within six months of the crime taking place. Upon finding the body’s hands tied up with a nylon rope, the police concluded it must be a murder and started investigation. She took up a job under Mhatre, who was in the business of making plastic visors Diva. After smell started emanating from the body he poured cement in the drum and sealed it.Sunita left her home on June 3 and went to Mhatre’s Diva flat to live with her lover. "As her husband is an alcoholic, Sunita had to earn to take care of the family."Meanwhile, Sunita Ahire had gone missing on Jun 3, 2015. We called her family, who identified the body.On June China Office organizer Manufacturers 24, 2015 Navi Mumbai police found the decomposed body of a woman at Mahape area.Vikas Mhatre, the accused, allegedly killed 48-year-old Sunita Ahire and just as portrayed in the movie, hid her body and tried to create alibis by visiting several places and trying to gather witnesses who he thought would later corroborate his claims. In December, the Ghatkopar police told us one lady had been missing from Ghatkopar from June 3 and till then they hadn’t got any details on it. end-of. When he came to know that Ghatkopar police interrogating his friend Ghadi and they would call him too, he took Sunita’s mobile phone and went to Shirdi, then Sinnar and specifically stayed at one hotel by mentioning the names of Sunita and him. Later, he kept the body in a big plastic drum for two days. Sunita Ahire A 42-year-old man who allegedly killed his girlfriend and disposed off her body after being inspired Bollywood flick Drishyam has confessed to his crime, the police said. Then Mhatre strangulated Sunita with a plastic wire and killed her. The body, which was buried near the roadside, was discovered after two days of heavy rain

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And the rest of their perception has, in fact, been vindicated by the howling response of anger from the Central government and its supporters. This is something that followers and supporters of political parties have found hard to fathom in spite of democracy being our chosen form of governance in 1947, cemented in 1950. If a writer who supports Kalburgi is threatened with death on social media by a Bajrang Dal activist, what is that a sign of And the removal of Anish Kapoor from a culture panel because he dislikes the politics of the Prime Minister, is that a sign of tolerance or intolerance The other argument against people who fear "rising intolerance" is that they are all stooges of the Congress Party and/or they are against the BJP. But it is not. Some may be less inclined towards Hindutva, some may have connections with this or that political party and others may not.It is intriguing though to gauge the reactions of those who refuse to accept that India can possibly be seen as intolerant. What matters is who has done the killings or who has done the threatening.Even worse is the fact that the plastic cow was later brought back out of storage and worshipped. Part of this perception has been bolstered by the killing of writers and rationalists, where Hindutva rightwing groups have been the accused. However, all things being equal, you still have the right to have an opinion and make a political choice. Union finance minister Arun Jaitley appears to spend more time fulminating over accusations of intolerance and the extreme victimhood of the Prime Minister than he does over the rising prices of pulses — which is a reality that no one can deny, not even Kher or whoever does the shopping in his household.Is that tolerance of intolerance or the intolerant ruling the roost We have reached a peculiar stage in India today — nurtured by years of political patronage, the "sentiments" of random groups of people now determine our cultural, political and social discourse. Kalburgi is threatened and then murdered because he was against idol worship, then does another writer with similar views have the right to be frightened For this people like Kher, a fine actor who has some remarkable work to his credit, have no proper answer.Tolerance of the intolerant or intolerance of the tolerant: Which is the battle being fought in India today Tolerance of the intolerant or intolerance of the tolerant: Which is the battle being fought in India today Rajasthan chief minister Vasundhara Raje apologised to the artist after an art installation called the Bovine Divine was taken down in rage. Thus, for these people, it does not matter which political party runs various state governments.And while in Rajasthan, renowned if sometimes controversial international sculptor Anish Kapoor also found himself on the receiving end of intolerance — two days after he was appointed to a cultural panel set up by the Rajasthan government, he was removed.What they mean is that they are disturbed by the stated intolerance to their particular views or the views of others. Others have not returned their awards but have put forward their discomfort or distress at the perceived atmosphere of "rising intolerance". The artist, Siddharth Karwal, was trying to draw attention to the plight of cows eating plastic waste. It is fair to say, however, that Anupam Kher completely missed the point, whether deliberately or mistakenly.If all this was just Twitter talk or TV news hysteria, it could safely be ignored or dismissed. The Jawahar Kala Kendra in Jaipur displayed the installation — a plastic cow suspended from a balloon — in an open area. The sweeping nature of this allegation makes it untenable. Because once you bring patriotism and nationalism into the argument, you can now send everyone who disagrees with you to Pakistan or, barring that, book them for sedition, as is the current fashion. Perhaps Abraham Lincoln should have added to his definition of democracy what happens when people try to fool themselves. That includes agreeing or disagreeing with the party in power.The writer is a senior journalist who writes on media affairs, politics and social trends And thereby hangs another miserable tale. The irony, the thought, the idea of the artist in naming his installation "The Bovine Divine" was completely turned on its head in the end. However pro-cow activists — a new power group in India — misunderstood, took offence, called the police plastic tray Suppliers who took the installation down. That is the first reaction in the high-frenzy atmosphere of today. It fools no one that such words and actions are nothing but extreme acts of intolerance. In the larger sense, it does not matter whether the artist was talking about today’s cow politics or something else. After film star Shah Rukh Khan said that he felt there was intolerance in the air, Kher was careful to warn people not to send Khan to Pakistan.M. The cow on a balloon was offensive because it was a cow and cows are holier than holy at the moment. They have a strong film connection. India is tolerant, declared a well-known film actor as he led a protest march against the protestors. If scholar-writer M. Kapoor has made some scathing, uncomplimentary comments about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.At the crux of the matter though is a disingenuous misunderstanding of the word "tolerance" and a neat logical skip to pointing out how India is not intolerant. Some have returned awards that they received for their writing, scientific work, artistic efforts, academic achievements, even bravery. They seem to be hemmed in by their political beliefs. It is also foolish to publicly state that being a Congress lackey and being a member of the Left coalition is the same thing.This is because, ultimately in India, we are more tolerant of whatever comes out of Bollywood than we are of the views of some of our best writers, intellectuals and scientists. The fact that an elevated sense of outrage can so easily attack freedom of expression means that we are unable to combat the forces that want to take us to a closed society. Now that actor Aamir Khan has added his own views to this, weighing in on the side of those who fear intolerance, Kher has sent him a few gentle tweets asking him what needs to be done. It was been two months since a number of people, known and not so well known, from various walks of life, including retired soldiers, protested against a climate that does not allow free speech or a dispensation that goes back on electoral promises. Whatever you say or paint or sing or show, there will be several groups of people ready to take offence

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How safe is it to eat snow? A Romanian university has published the results of just such a study."He said the microorganisms increase because of impurities in the air.Scientists collected snow from a park and from a roundabout in Miercurea Ciuc, central Romania, in January and February and placed it in hermetically-sealed sterile containers.How safe is snow to be eaten? The 2017 experiment showed it was safe to eat snow that was a half-day old, and safer China plastic tray Manufacturers to eat it in the colder months. Just saying you won’t get ill if you eat a bit," he said. end-of Tags: sapientia hungarian university, transylvania, snow, romania, bacteria, children.The 2017 experiment showed it was safe to eat snow that was a half-day old, and safer to eat it in the colder months.4 C (30 degrees to 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit) in the city, one of the coldest in Romania.The study took place in temperatures ranging from minus 1.1 degrees Celsius to minus 17. "After two days, however, there are dozens of bacteria. But by two days old, the snow is not safe to eat, Istvan Mathe, a professor at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, told The Associated Press."Very fresh snow has very little bacteria," Mathe said Thursday."I am not recommending anyone eats snow.Mathe first had the idea for the study when he saw his children eating snow. They then tried to grow bacteria and mold in them.After one day, there were five bacteria per millimeter in January, while in February that number quadrupled

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The leading contenders, who have met with Trump, are William Pryor, Neil Gorsuch and Thomas Hardiman.Some conservatives also have recently criticized Pryor for his vote in 2011 in favor of a transgender woman who sued for sex discrimination. All were nominated by President George W. Hardiman is a colleague of Trumps sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. Gorsuch, 49, is on the Denver-based 10th U. Schumer and Feinstein were among the 95 senators who voted for Hardimans confirmation in 2007.S.S.Justices often serve for decades after the president has chosen them leaves office.S.In a tweet Wednesday morning, Trump said he will make his high court pick next Thursday. The three, ranging in age from 49 to 54, were on the list of 21 potential high court picks Trump announced during his presidential campaign.Its hard to know what might persuade Trump to choose one instead of the others, said John Malcolm, a senior lawyer at the conservative Heritage Foundation.He has contended that courts give too much deference to government agencies interpretations of statutes. Circuit Court of Appeals. Bush for their current posts.Gorsuch is the closest on Trumps list to a Washington insider - the son of former EPA administrator Anne Gorsuch, educated in the Ivy League and at Oxford, law clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy and Bush-era Justice Department official. All three were nominated by President George W. Their judicial philosophy is well within the mainstream of American legal thought," said Leonard Leo, a conservative lawyer who has been advising Trump on the filling the vacancy.S. "Hes got to feel comfortable with the guy.Democrats and liberal interest groups, fuming over the Republican refusal to consider Obamas nomination of Judge Merrick cosmetic organizer Garland to the court, are ready to fight any Trump nominee who is "outside the mainstream," Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said after a White House meeting about the court vacancy Tuesday. Its a part of his legacy, a very important part of his legacy," Malcolm said.Gorsuch was approved by a voice vote in 2006. Circuit Court of Appeals. Hardiman, 51, is based in Pittsburgh for the 3rd U. Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2005, the Senate confirmed him 53-45, after senators reached an agreement to curtail delaying tactics for appellate judgeships. He sided with groups that held religious objections to the Obama administrations requirements that employers provide health insurance that includes contraception. Their records are there for everyone to see and to understand. The longest serving justice currently on the bench, Anthony Kennedy, was a Ronald Reagan appointee who joined the court in 1988.The leading contenders, who have met with Trump, are William Pryor, Neil Gorsuch and Thomas Hardiman, according to a person familiar with the process who was not authorized to speak publicly about internal decisions and discussed the search on condition of anonymity.Conservatives said the contenders all share Scalias commitment to the text and meaning of the Constitution. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he intends to announce his nominee for the Supreme Court on Feb. 2, and three federal appeals court judges are said to be the front-runners to fill the lifetime seat held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative icon.Pryor, 54, is an Alabama-based judge on the 11th U.Pryor has a reputation as staunch conservative with a taste for academic rigor.His opinions and outside writings, praised for their clear, colloquial style, include a call for courts to second-guess government regulations, defense of religious freedom and skepticism toward law enforcement. A Massachusetts native, he settled in Pittsburgh, where his wife comes from a family of prominent Democrats."As Alabama attorney general, he also angered some conservatives for urging a judicial discipline panel to remove Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore from office after he refused to obey a court order take down a Ten Commandments monument from the lobby of the state judicial building.Of the three leading candidates, only Pryor faced significant opposition when nominated to the appeals court. "These are not stealth candidates. Gorsuch, 49, is on the Denver-based 10th U. Circuit Court of Appeals.S.Pryor, 54, is an Alabama-based judge on the 11th U.Last year, he joined two 3rd Circuit colleagues in affirming the $1 billion settlement of NFL concussion claims, rejecting complaints that men with depression and mood disorders were left out of the deal.Hardiman has sided with jails seeking to strip-search inmates arrested for even minor offenses and has supported gun rights, dissenting in a 2013 case that upheld a New Jersey law to tighten requirements for carrying a handgun in public. Bush for their current posts.Trump has promised to seek someone in the mold of conservative icon Antonin Scalia, who died nearly a year ago after serving on the Supreme Court for more than 29 years. Circuit Court of Appeals. Hardiman, 51, is based in Pittsburgh for the 3rd U. Senate Democrats refused to allow a vote on his nomination, leading Bush initially to give Pryor a temporary recess appointment. Senate Republicans prevented President Barack Obama from filling the seat, a political gamble that paid off when Trump was elected. Circuit Court of Appeals. He once called the landmark 1973 decision legalizing abortion the "worst abomination in the history of constitutional law

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New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday gave a clarion call to shun single-use plastic and urged citizens to take an initiative to make this a mass movement.After flagging off the nationwide Sankalp Yatra, he undertook a foot march for around 500 metres.Highlighting the perils of single-use plastic, the BJP president said it takes nearly 400 years for it to degrade. China plastic cutlery Suppliers Location: India, Delhi. Highlighting the perils of single-use plastic, the BJP president said it takes nearly 400 years for it to degrade.Shah said even animals are adversely affected due to single-use plastic.Addressing a rally at the start of the Sankalp Yatra to mark Mahatma Gandhis 150th birth anniversary, Shah said even animals are adversely affected due to single-use plastic

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But after weeks of appalling pain she was told by a medic at another clinic she had an abscess in one buttock but they did not want to get the blame and refused to help.Case is against senior surgeons at Nudelman Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Ekaterinburg.According to her, the initial botched surgery by Igor Tsvetkov, trained partly in Canada and Sweden, left her nipples too high and in the wrong place with ugly scars and required corrective surgery which failed to solve the problem.Veleslava Grigorieva, 40, said the pain was so bad after spending £25,000 to improve her plastic cutlery Suppliers looks that she needed to book three seats on a plane since she could not sit down for more than a few minutes.Veleslava returned to the clinic where another surgeon Nikolay Golubkov, agreed to do a new operation on her breasts and suggested she should improve my buttocks, she claimed.Eventually she had to fly to Moscow to a new clinic where doctors removed much of my buttock.But in the process she was subject to vilification and humiliation from those who criticised her decision to use plastic surgery to regain her beauty, she said.She had gone public with intimate pictures of her plastic surgery from hell to force legal action from the authorities - which is now announced. She had gone public with intimate pictures of her 'plastic surgery from hell' to force legal action from the authorities - which is now announced.She was given new liposuction and lipo-lifting – when the buttocks are enlarged with the help of patients own fat removed from other parts of the body.The case is against senior surgeons at Nudelman Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Ekaterinburg which could see them behing jailed for up to six years if convicted of damaging her health. (Photo: Pixabay) In a shocking incident, a criminal case has been launched against Russian plastic surgeons who are accused of leaving a woman with a gaping hole in her buttock and her nipples in the wrong place

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